Nintendo Castle

Super Smash Bros Secrets

Secret Characters


Luigi's smashes pack quite a punch!
You can unlock Weegee/Luigi by beating classic/1P mode with every character, this counts the other secret characters. Once you have beaten classic as every character, you will have to fight Luigi in order to unlock him as a playable character


Ness's psychic powers make him a unique character!
You can unlock Ness by beating 1 player mode with three lives on normal mode. This can be done with any character. Once you have beaten 1 player mode with three lives on normal mode, you will have to fight Ness in order to unlock him as a playable character.

Captain Falcon

Captain Falcon can power his way through any opponent!
You can unlock Captain Falcon by beating 1 player mode in any difficulty as long as you beat it in under 20 minutes. Once you have beaten 1 player mode in under 20 minutes, you will have to fight Captain Falcon in order to unlock him as a playable character.


Awwww so adorable!
You can unlock this adorable pink ball by beating 1 player mode under any difficulty, with any character, in any amount of time. Once you have beaten 1 player mode for the first time, you will have to fight Jigglypuff in order to unlock her as a playable character

Other Secrets

Secret Stage: Classic Mushroom Kingdom

In order to unlock the only secret stage in Super Smash Bros (N64). Beat 1 player mode as every character.

Select Items Screen

In order to choose which items you want when you play Versus Mode, play 50 versus mode games. This can be done without a second player

Mew Appears in Pokeballs

Once you unlock every character in Super Smash Bros, there is a small chance that Mew will appear when you throw a pokeball.